The Fuseki/Shotokan Programme
The ITC Fuseki Shotokan system is divided into 12 phases of training
The programme draws as its core syllabus the teaching and training methodologies of Kancho Hirokazu Kanazawa 10th Dan, perhaps the greatest exponent of the Shotokan Karate system.
Martin combines this traditional martial art with own teaching methods and incorporates the practical application elements of the martial art Fuseki Martial Arts System to make his teaching of Shotokan a blend of practical and traditional training. An approach which will appeal to those seeking both formal Shotokan karate Do combined with practices which are relevant to the modern world.

If you are interested in training with Martin, please contact him for further details on private and small group tuition as well as visits to your club as a guest instructor.
Phase One – Kihon – Basic single hand and foot techniques from the Fuseki Shotokan system
Phase Two – Gohon and Sanbon kumite – Five and Three step kumite introducing core blocking skills together with basic lateral footwork.
Phase Three – Kihon combinations / Hyoteki practice / Ten No Kata – further development of core basic skills using a range of training techniques.
Phase Four – Kata and Bunkai – Requirement to Shodan level with emphasis on the following core kata these being the Heian kata 1 to 5 / Tekki Shodan / Bassai Dai / Kanku Dai / Enpi / Jion / Jitte
Phase Five – Kihon Ippon Kumite – A full set of one step basic sparring drills using both hand techniques and kicks.

Phase Six – Jiju Ippon Kumite – Again a full set of one step sparring techniques but this time more semi free developing timing / footwork and evasion skills.
Phase Seven – Kata and Bunkai – Requirement to Nidan / Sandan grades including Hangetsu / Tekki 2 and 3 / Bassai Sho / Kanku Sho / Gankaku Sochin / Chinte / Jiin / Nijushiho.
Phase Eight – Kaeshi Ippon Kumite / Okuri Jiju Ippon Kumite / Happo Kumite (Eight direction) A full range of alternative sparring drills to fully develop all round skills.
Phase Nine – Kata and Bunkai – Requirement to Yondan / Godan Meikyo / Unsu / Wankan / Gojushiho / Gankaku Sho
Phase Ten – Shindo Jinen-Ryu Traditional Kata – Further development of the full range of karate using traditional kata drawn from the Shindo Jinen Ryu system
Phase Eleven – Goshin Jutsu – Kata and core concepts of self defence
Phase Twelve – Kobudo – use of the full range of weapons from Nunchaku, Sai, Tonfa, and Bo staff